Category: futanari

Lawless Dickgirl Special
- . July 22, 2022
License and Registration, Please The best thing about “porn-logic” is that it can take an everyday occurrence, like the upholding of the law, and turn

Nextgen Candy #87: Raunchy Rodeo by Lewd Futasy
- . July 20, 2022
Thick Fortune and hung Destiny have a certain ride in mind for Alexis. Like all of Futasy’s girls, Alexis is more than ready for the

Nextgen Candy#85: Wanna Touch? By Irrelevant3D
- . July 13, 2022
Tracer’s got a secret weapon, but she doesn’t hide it up her sleeve. She’s not alone, either: all of her fine friends are packing heat!

Adicktion Therapy Bundle
- . July 13, 2022
Three is Overrated Some people say 3 is the perfect number: triangles, trinities, blah blah blah, but consider the following… 5 is a bigger number

Getting off to Cool off: Summer Vibe Special
- . July 2, 2022
Blazin’ Balls! Ahhh yes, summer! Sunburn, barbecuing, and utilizing literally any body of water, synthetic or otherwise, for recreation. To commemorate the warm weather (at

Un-stoppable Zoomers by Nonsane
- . June 28, 2022
24 hour access to the internet, smartphones, social media, and access to all kinds of great sex toys…no wonder the next generation of futanari are

“Admiring the View” by Lewd Futasy
- . June 14, 2022
Vanessa’s life is full of crazy adventures, wild sexual encounters and never-ending curveballs. Sometimes a girl just wants to enjoy a nice cup outdoors, without

Shamed into Hardness: “Alex- the New student Part 2” by Fab3DX
- . March 25, 2022
Sickened but Curious Let’s face it: sometimes we don’t understand our own kinks. Even the most adventurous sexual explorers can stumble upon an unexpected (and

Rule Thirsty-Four
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . March 22, 2022
Brynhildr is the gift that keeps on giving. Lewd art enjoyers can’t get enough of this artist’s top tier ladies, and in response to their

DVa is going Tracy!
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . February 22, 2022
What’s that? ANOTHER new artist is joining the NGP gang? And they hit the ground running with a big, long, thick and drippy Overwatch Rule