Category: Fantasy

Breed em’ and Weep! Thief Ezri: Strip Poker by Hibbli3D
- . January 1, 2021
They say that everyone has a price, and for the lithe, sexy elven thief Ezri, this is most certainly true. The question is, what’s worth

Naughty Knights and Goblin Gangbangs
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . December 24, 2020
All seasoned RPG players know that the smallest a woman’s armour is, the greater protection it offers. It’s an undeniable fact of science. Knight Elayne

A Succubus’ Iron Hard Will: Fabiana’s Pitfall by Ashley Sugar
- . December 22, 2020
Fabiana, supreme demoness of the underworld, has set her sights on a bigger prize than any of her predecessors. In order to obtain her goals,

Boobs Ahoy!
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . December 20, 2020
The depths of the ocean have inspired many a tale of awe, mystery and fear. Sailors and fishermen would look deep into the watery abyss

Once Upon a Cum – Best Fantasy Sets of 2020
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . December 18, 2020
What makes 3DX so special is that it allows us to see and experience worlds and characters beyond our daily reality. Fantasy settings open up

Top-Off the Year with NGPs Top 5 Straight Sets!
- . December 17, 2020
With the holidays right around the corner, you deserve a break. Pour yourself a nice drink, get cozy, and pull up a classic to read.

An Elven Beauty in Chains
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . December 2, 2020
Everybody knows that the best treasure in an abandoned fortress lies at the last room, behind all the roaming monsters and traps. Well, today is

Something Wicked This Way Cums
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . November 27, 2020
The Dread Pirate Queen Jessenia takes many forms. Stunning succubus, blonde gyaru, black leather stripper, sexy witch… the list goes on. What remains is her

That is One BIG Magical Staff: Selena & Draenei by 3dx851
- . November 25, 2020
Few things go together better than futa and fantasy, but every now and then you find something that hits all the niche spots juuust right.

All She’ll Do For Loot
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . November 24, 2020
Adventurer dark elf Laele is dead set to find a magical set of armour that will render her invincible. No matter how big the cocks