Category: futanari

Futa’s Plaything, Or Get Ready For The Big Cock!
- By NGP Entertainment
- . April 18, 2020
What do you get when you combine stunning women, mighty endowed futas, a slew of promising sex toys and sturdy determination? A steaming sexual adventure,

Futa! Futa! Futanarica!
- By NGP Entertainment
- . April 17, 2020
When watching porn, especially futa porn, do you ever find yourself thinking things like, “I really wish there was more cum?” Futanarica is good at

Detomasso – Heroine with a Craving…
- . April 16, 2020
We’ve written about DeTomasso’s work before, but if you haven’t heard about this incredible artist, you’re in for a wild ride! DeTomasso focuses exclusively on

Interview: LewdFutasy
- . April 10, 2020
Cafe: We’re here with the fantastic LewdFutasy! Futasy is an incredible artist whom I’ve worked extensively with; thanks for agreeing to do an interview with

Artist focus: 3DZen
- By Jester
- . April 9, 2020
Seeing your favourite video game girl straddle some inches is good and all, but it’s also great when 3DX artists come up with their own

Pushing the boundaries of gender with 3DX
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . April 7, 2020
Good porn, live action or otherwise, allows us to explore our kinks and fantasies beyond the limitations of our daily lives. Even more, on top

Interview: Futa Joanne – A visit to her Milking Farm
- By NGP Entertainment
- . March 31, 2020
Cafe: Hello Joanne, thank you for agreeing to do this interview! Right here on your ranch, no less. We’re so excited to speak with you,

Interview: Elyria Steele
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . March 30, 2020
We had the pleasure to interview 3DX artist and adult-oriented writer Elyria Steele. She told us how she got started in the world of 3DX,

Futa vs. Dickgirls: The neverending debate
- . March 22, 2020
There aren’t many topics, (save for illegal ones) that can stir up as much distention and bad blood as the ol’ futanari vs. Dickgirl debate.

3DX vs. Hentai: a comparison
- By Eat My Popsicle
- . March 20, 2020
Hentai has been around for a good while, longer than 3DX – or computer-generated images in general. The reason is very simple: back in the