futanari Opinion

Futa vs. Dickgirls: The neverending debate

There aren’t many topics, (save for illegal ones) that can stir up as much distention and bad blood as the ol’ futanari vs. Dickgirl debate.

animation futanari Opinion rendering

3DX vs. Hentai: a comparison

Hentai has been around for a good while, longer than 3DX – or computer-generated images in general. The reason is very simple: back in the

Detomasso Forged3DX Jared999D Opinion Straight Taziota

The need for ‘straight’ 3DX

There is a strange phenomenon that’s pervasive throughout 3DX. It’s so obvious that it’s sometimes imperceptible, but once you notice it, you can’t un-notice it.

animation Nyl Opinion

Futa Wonder Woman and Power Girl by Double Nyl

DC characters have always been a prime source of NSFW content, especially female characters. Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Poison Ivy, Raven, Killer Frost, Batwoman and

Jester Lewd Futasy Opinion

Nextgenporn.net – Ready for take off!

The Nextgen storefront is ready for take off! We are beyond excited to bring you this news, and with it, a few sneak peaks of

Antropox Morfium Opinion Smz-69

3DX porn is here to stay: here’s why

If you’re reading this, that’s either because you already know what 3DX porn is, or ‘cause you’re curious. (If it’s the latter, then, welcome! We