Everybody knows that the best treasure in an abandoned fortress lies at the last room, behind all the roaming monsters and traps. Well, today is futa elven adventurer Dahlia’s lucky day! Cause when she enters this ancient building looking for some shelter for the night, guess what she finds? A scantily clad blonde elf maiden in chains, naturally. As you do.

The prisoner and the adventurer have an instant chemistry, and Dahlia’s “hidden weapon” starts to rear its head. The temptation is impossible to resist, and alone in the fortress, these two girls will unleash their lust sucking and fucking and playing with each other. All combined with some chained-up action for those whose fancy gets tickled by a bit of bondage.

This fantasy 3-parter, “Sapphire Shrine”, is Paradox3D ‘s debut on NGP, presenting all chapters of the story created so far as well as a discount bundle for those who love themselves some quality elven porn. 150+ HD images featuring all sorts of playful positions as these two naughty elves enjoy themselves in the hidden shrine.