We try to keep things as light and positive as we can here at NGP, but it’s equally as important to us to be realistic and supportive of our artists and consumers.
Bear with us for a moment, if you would, while we give a big, global thank you to everyone who is putting their neck on the line to help those in need, especially those who are high risk and/or confirmed cases.

As COVID-19 sweeps the globe, some people are suffering more than others, but everyone is being affected in some way. Even basic things that used to be so easy, like going down to the store or picking up medication, have been altered dramatically. It isn’t easy for anyone, and the isolation and distancing that many of us are living through adds to the sense of abnormality and potential depression.
It’s not the happiest subject, I know, but it’s important to acknowledge these things, especially for the intent purpose of overcoming them!
The way we consume porn and other media hasn’t changed all that much, so we have some normalcy in our life, but even porn can often be overshadowed by the drabness of having nowhere to go.
We are all collectively going through a rough time, but it could definitely be worse. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the internet and the immense communication options we have. Although we are distancing from each other, most of us who consume 3DX have access to friends and loved ones through technology. That fact alone has proven to be much more important than just media consumption, and it’s something we didn’t have nearly as much of even a decade ago.
And of course, this is the same technology that many artists use to create awesome 3DX!

Now, that being said, I know that the adult community, and 3DX specifically, is often accused of being a negative space by certain people who spurn it. I can only speak for myself, of course, but as a creator, I’ve experienced more support and generosity from the 3DX community than any other.
We are all individuals and creatives in our own way, whether we make media or not. We all want to be accepted and respected by others and we want a place where we feel like we’re supported. This is a universal fact, and a large part of what makes us all equal and human.
People all over the world who work in medical and other care facilities are being hailed as heroes, and for good reason. The work they’re doing is crucial to the survival of people everywhere, but we’re talking about more than just survival.
There is a difference between living and simply ‘being alive’. Community and creativity are the cornerstones of a satisfying, fulfilling existence, and that is exactly why we want to say one simple thing to all of the 3DX creators out there…
Thank you!

Thank you for continuing to contribute to the community even through these rough times. Thank you for all the social media communication and COVID relief drives you’ve sponsored and pitched in for. Thank you for letting us be fans and supporters and for keeping discord, patreon, and twitter channels open.
The work you do as a creator is important. It gives us something to look forward to, something to get excited about. It’s not ‘just porn’, it’s high art, and it’s vital to our mental health and wellness.
I’ve heard many people say within the last few weeks, “Man, if I didn’t have ‘X show’ or ‘X video game’ I don’t know what I would do to keep from going crazy!” Your work is more impactful than you may think, and it might just be what certain people need to pull through :D.
We know you’re going through this with us, and we don’t ever want to take you for granted, so truly, sincerely, from the bottom of our heart…thanks a ton!