How many versions of something can exist at one point? Whether we’re talking actually or theoretically, the answer is probably a lot.

There are 1 googalion versions of seemingly everything, though the reasons can vary wildly.In the realm of art, the biggest reason for making a new version of something can likely be summed up into one word: Vision.

The artist sees a character, falls in love, and wants to try their hand at depicting them.

Take a look at Tracer, for instance. We have a cute, cool, sexy character from a popular licensed franchise, but when you type her name into a search bar, you get a metric crapton of fanart. Some of it looks like her, some of it…er…not so much, but the point is that there is an endless amount of fanart and stories about her, porn or otherwise.

Tracer and Emily – By @Guilty3D

 Sometimes, we enjoy a character so much that we are compelled, nay, inspired, to make more content featuring them. Our fervent desire to pay homage to the fandoms that fuel our creativity can only be matched by the rate with which we consume said fandoms. If that sentence wasn’t enough of a mouthful for you, here’s some more to chew on.

Pick literally any character! If they’re in a game, movie or show, the chances of them having fanfiction and/or fanart made of them is about 99% likely. Of course, when we introduce our love for porn to our love for characters, the list might whittle down a bit, but not by much.

Since we’ve got the magic of 3D on our side, artists can tweak these characters however they see fit. This makes for some, let’s say, interesting changes and sometimes additions to what would be considered canon.

We don’t have to go very far for examples, but let’s take a look at several particularly good ones.

“Princess Quest” by CrisisBeat

Princess Quest – by CrisisBeat83

These characters are so prolific that their respective original franchises don’t even need to be named!

Pinups of sleeping beauties, Arabian princesses and singing, redheaded mermaids aren’t exactly new, but Crisis’ vision is taking them to a whole new level.Princess Quest is actually being developed as an interactive game (VN style)  where the princesses do a fairly good job of rescuing themselves.

Surprisingly, Crisis’ ‘version’ of these popular characters is very close to their original counterparts. Based on some light visual research, I concluded that none of the girls were ‘blown up’ in any way. Boobs and butts are generally to realistic size, giving the production a shockingly (and refreshingly) canon-like feel. If you’re a fan of these princesses (and you think they’d look better naked) definitely check out Princess Quest!

-Canon vs. Vision-

Surprisingly, Crisis’ ‘version’ of these popular characters is very close to their original counterparts. Based on some light visual research, I concluded that none of the girls were ‘blown up’ in any way. Boobs and butts are generally to realistic size, giving the production a shockingly (and refreshingly) canon-like feel. If you’re a fan of these princesses (and you think they’d look better naked) definitely check out Princess Quest!

Mavixtious take on Helen

Helen Parr – by Mavixtious

Mavixtious is a proprietor of many a sexy 3D gal. They dabble heavily in characters from the overwatch and spiderman universes, but this one is a rare treat. Mrs. Incredible has donned a spider gwen costume (at her husband’s behest) cleverly showcasing two totally unrelated universes into one.

Canon vs. Vision

Okay, two things. First off, Helen doesn’t have nearly that much booty swinging around in the films. Secondly, however, she does have this incredible ‘elastic’ power, so an argument could be made for the added size!

Other than the huge ass, Helen is actually looking pretty damn canon in Mavixtious’ works. It’s plausible that she would enjoy cosplaying for her husband, (with whom she has 3 kids) and obviously they are still very much interested in each other. This is a fantastic example of subtle non-world breaking content that can potentially make the images even hotter within the context.

RadiantEld on DOA (Dead or alive)

DOAX girls, Monica, Sayuri and Nyotengu – by RadiantEld

The two examples we used above utilize characters that are not originally overly sexualized. In this case, we have an artist making already sexualized characters even more sexy, and RadientEld is very, very good at it.

Canon vs. Vision

You may be thinking, ‘what is there to compare, here?’ Granted, the entire DOA franchise seems based almost exclusively in jiggle physics, but I noticed something quite interesting, and it doesn’t have anything to do with  big, bouncing, bikini clad titties.

In the games, the characters, Kasumi, for instance, are depicted with basic, flat features. In my opinion, RadientEld actually gives these girls more depth. Both their facial structures and expressions actually surpass what’s shown in the games, and in this case, I would venture to say that the artist does more justice to them than the original.

In the end, it seems that most artists don’t exaggerate characters all that much. That content is there, of course, but if a fan depiction is too far off course, it starts to feel like someone else entirely. It can be a fine line, and the problem of over saturation will always be present, but we’ll never stop making alts of our favorite characters.

Soon, if it hasn’t happened already, we may even get to the point where we won’t recognize the original, even if they were the only one standing in an ocean of sitting dopplegangers.


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