Cafe: Hello Futanarica! Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us and giving us a peek into what you’ve been working on! We’re looking forward to hearing all about it, but first, a burning question.
Your recent releases have been amazing, and some of your poses are so unique. Where does your inspiration for new and interesting positions come from?
Futanarica: It’s all very simple: I twist the camera according to the classical principles of framing. In the process of twisting the camera, I take note of some unusual angles and save them. Then, for each selected angle I determine what I want to focus on and to what depth.
Cafe: Wow, that’s fantastic advice for anyone looking to shake up their perspectives. I certainly never would have thought of it, haha! Alright, we definitely don’t want to miss out on hearing about your future releases! What have you been working on and what can we hope to see soon?
Futanarica:I have accumulated quite a lot of W.I.P. projects and I am rapidly completing them. “Pulling up the tails” is the number 1 priority for me now, so there are many new releases to be expected in the coming months. A few pics/animations are worth much more than the words it would take to talk about it, so here’s a breakdown:
Three spicy episodes for My Personal Futa Trainer series are coming up.
Episode 3 – Plank Orgasm. Gotta keep those forearms and core ‘stroke’ ready!

Episode 4 – “Upside Down”. Don’t try this at home…or maybe do if you’re feeling flexible!

Halloween won’t go unnoticed, either: right now I’m working on an awesome product based on this spooky holiday. Yep, it’s very presumptuous for an artist to apply the word “awesome” to his creation, but in my opinion, it has all the necessary ingredients to earn the title! Firstly, I mixed the Celtic-Gothic origins of Halloween with modern motives for this holiday, added mysticism, magic, horror and lust and spiced it up with special effects hitherto unseen in 3DX. Secondly, the product will consist of a set of static pictures and animations created using different 3D approaches – 3DMax + vray for pictures and a Blender for animations – both have their pros and cons, so I decided to use only the pros for 4K UHD renders for pics and animations.

Cafe: Amazing! That’s so much upcoming content. I don’t suppose…you have anymore? Knowing you, I’ll bet you do 😁.
Futanarica: Well, after all Xmas and New Year parties have died down and the gray winter days go on in boring succession, I’ll invite my viewers to plunge into a warm summer day on a sandy beach of a paradise island somewhere in the Caribbean. They’ll witness an insatiable futa + dickgirl + girl romantic and frantic threesome!

Cafe: Sounds like the perfectly timed summer treat to warm a set of cold bones!
Last question here! Your content is amazingly high quality and consistent and we would be perfectly happy to keep seeing it forever! That being said, do you have any big projects or anything different you’d like to try in the future?
Futanarica: You know the saying, “Talk about your plans to make the gods laugh”. That’s on the one hand. On the other hand, my passion for poking around in new software and looking for new technological approaches (as well as constant hardware upgrades) bore fruit in the form of a tenfold acceleration of rendering while maintaining the quality of the picture. Reducing render times from weeks to hours opens up completely new perspectives: faster, better, more variety. We’ll see where it goes!
Cafe: We shall indeed! You’ve provided us with so much to look forward to. Rest assured that we’ll be waiting patiently (mostly) for all those incredible developments!