Cafe: 3DZen! We meet yet again for what I’m sure won’t be the last time! Thanks for talking with us again, we’re always excited to see what you’ve been working on. How has your year been, and what would you say is your biggest accomplishment of 2021?

3Dzen: It’s been busy for sure, I try to get 2 sets a month out but it’s more like 1.5, still, a good pace and all sets have been about 100 images or more with comic and no comic versions. My Patrons like that, so that’s what I do!

Accomplishments, hmmmm, The number and amount of content are for sure something I am happy with, I also started to learn Blender, slow pace; the hope is 2022 to use that more if not all the time, including some animations!

Cafe: Hey, that’s big! Learning Blender is no small task. I know you have mentioned animations a few times this year, that’s going to be awesome!

Even with all that, your pace is still what some creators would consider crazy (in a good way!) You’re one of the highest output creators I know! How do you keep it up? Any advice for fellow creators looking to bolster their speed a bit?

3Dzen: Thanks, I try my best, but I also have to learn some, and when I am learning production goes down, lol. Believe it or not, I have taken the COVID lockdowns and limited travel as an opening to spend more time creating 3DX, before I would normally travel 1-2 times a month. I haven’t traveled in almost 2 years, work is 100% remote, no commute, no travel = free time to put into 3DX :). So, it’s really a choice to spend the extra time. I also have 2 Render systems both with 4 GPUs and that can help with render times and on occasion, having 2 projects going at once.

Cafe: Ah yeah, I’ve been hearing that from a lot of creators recently! At least the pandemic hasn’t been a total wash. Way to make the most of it!

Having such powerful rigs helps tremendously, I’m sure, but it seems like most of the well known 3DX creators, such as yourself, simply dedicate so much time to their craft. Can’t replace the ol’ grind!

Now, I’ve heard rumors that you’re starting to make “full package” futas? Is this true?

3Dzen: Yes, this is correct, the next set with Miranda and Val (end of Dec) both have the Futa dick and Futa pussy prop. It took me a bunch of tries to get it right in C4D/Redshift, but I got it, so going forward we will have some futa pussy fucking!  Haha!  All Futa sets going forward will be set up like this. My Patrons and even some store vendors have requested it. May have to do male on Futa sometime, a few requests for that too.

Cafe: That’s exciting! I’m sure the ‘extra plumbing’ does complicate matters a bit, but it seems like you’ve got it well under control.

You’re very good at catering to your consumers. You have so many great series, with a huge range of niches. I know you’ve got a lot of people to please, but do you, personally, have a favorite genre or ‘type’ of 3D to render?

3Dzen: I honestly love making monster sets, Resident Evil etc… It’s what got me into the 3DX stuff. I used to look it over back in the day and always thought there were very few comics/sets with so little story or character development and always 30-50 images max. So, I try ( I am no writer) to do a decent plot and char dev and making 3, 4…. 10 sets in a series allows for some character dev and plots, like the Futa Twins (5 sets now). 

Kylie is a bit of a rebel and Kayla is a shy gal. Many people comment on the banter between them I try to weave in. But yeah, if I had to choose Resident Evil would be the way I would go, so many girls to choose from and monsters, too. I need to get into Blender and use some of the really good monsters available from Smutbase soon! But Futa, well I am also having a ton of fun with the Futa Twins, lots more to “cum” from them! 

Cafe: Sometimes, when I see your RE series, then I see futa twins, I forget they are made by the same creator, since they are so different!  But really, that just speaks to your versatility.

(WIP for Dec)

Last question here, and it’s no problem if you can’t say for sure, but when those animations finally come around, what do you see yourself putting together as your first major production?

3Dzen: I have had a few people say that with the Futa Vs RE sets, the RE sets I try to make are too gloomy/dirty and that maybe I ought to try a more glamorous approach. 

Animations will be with Blender, as there are so many ready-to-use characters, so I would probably lean on that. Not 100% sure, but RE could be first, or maybe Overwatch stuff. Ideally, I would like to get a few of my characters over to blender. I did move one of the twins over as a test, set up the skin but not rigged, so it can be done! I do plan a futa Overwatch set in early 2022 with my current tools.

Cafe: Fantastic! It’d be sweet to see some OW stuff done by you.

Good luck with your transition, Zen, and thanks a million for your time! We’ll be patiently waiting along with your fans for that blender stuff; I’m certain the payoff will be well worth it!

3Dzen: Yeah, this weekend I am installing 3.0, hope to get some time with it. 

Cafe: Keeping my fingers crossed for ya! Knowing you, once you get a handle on it, you’ll take off in no time!

We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again: if you’re looking for an artist who cranks out high quality work faster than you can say ‘dickgirs!’, 3Dzen is your gem! Check out their Patreon for a seriously staggering amount of content, and, if you fancy building up your library of scintillating sets, check out our Zenful offerings on the NGP store
