Finally, the weather’s changing and we’re headed into the last stretch of the year. We could all use a break, right? That’s why we’ve decided to herald the coming of fall with our first ever, FREE Halloween themed, creator’s choice, set!
Did I mention the free part?
That’s right, we’re hosting a spine tingling, hair raising, free Halloween 3DX set, featuring awesome talents from all over the board. Each participating artist will be submitting a tantalizing render for your spooky pleasure, and we’ve already got a bevvy of incredible creators on board!

Not to name drop or anything, but here’s a few you might recognize…
Do we have your attention yet? We’re absolutely stoked about the lineup so far, but we’re not finished yet! We’re certain to come across some monstrous racks, throbbing futa cocks and fangs that are hungry to sink their teeth into a different kind of flesh…

Not that we ever need much of an excuse to dress up 3DX models as sluts and parade them around, but if you’re a creator and you want in on this, we’d love to have you!
We’re taking a minimum of 3 submissions per creator. We want to make this as full of a set as possible, so please send us at least 3 original pieces or alts!
Submit your renders by October 25th, so we can have everything ready for release by the 31st!
Anyone is eligible, as long as the 3 pieces are original, 3D renders that were created by the submitting artist! Submissions can be anything halloween related! Girls, guys, futa, or something in between… 😛 Costumes, monsters, pumpkins; as long as the themes are legal and the characters are of age, anything goes!
We’re looking forward to seeing your ghoulish gals and your Hallow’s eve whores. Together we’ll make this a Halloween to remember!