Getting Into the Routine

Starting a workout routine can be tough, but it usually gets easier if we can grit our teeth through the first few weeks. Still, at some point, we’re bound to hit a wall with our progress, which is why so many people choose to hire a professional! You know, someone who knows the ropes, is familiar with nutrition and muscle groups, and hopefully has a giant rack that can barely be held in by a sports bra…

Okay, maybe the last one is too much to ask for…unless you’re RedRobot, in which case, rendering the perfect trainer into reality is as easy as finishing a set of reps!

Cardio Hoes!

Grab your tightest fitting spandex and get ready to sweat: it’s “Full Body Workout Futa Fitness”! Mary Celeste Bonavenue is a successful personal trainer with plenty of return clients who just can’t get enough of her…let’s say, ‘guidance’. Still, there’s always room for a few more clients, and when this busty brunette spies a spicy looking dirty blonde getting in a late night workout, she goes over to work her magic!

It doesn’t take long before Mary realizes that her client has a bit of extra equipment between her legs, and of course, once things heat up, the true cardio begins!

This 52 page romp features some awesome multi-paneled renders, incredibly sexy angles and expressions, and let’s not forget: some juicy, matt splashing futanari cumshots! Mary has no problem using her blowjob skills from her previous vocation, and after the mess, it looks like she’s probably gained herself yet another loyal client! 

Oh, I should probably mention, this new RedRobot set is actually a part of a long running series with some unique entries, one of which we have in the store, if you’re looking for something ‘straighter’, but just as scintillating!
