Cafe: Hello Joanne, thank you for agreeing to do this interview! Right here on your ranch, no less. We’re so excited to speak with you, it’s an honor.
We’ve got a number of questions for you. As I’m sure you can guess, many people are curious about your body, but we also want to know more about you as a person!
Tell us, how do you like to wind down after a hard days work? Any hobbies?
- Joanne: I enjoy nature very much. Walking in the woods or cloud gazing in the fields are great ways for me to unwind for the day. Anything that involves nature, really. If i’ve been busy doing other things at work than providing semen, like repairing a roof, I like to release any remaining “tension” once the day is over – either by myself or with a colleague.
Cafe: Wonderful! That sounds like a very relaxing lifestyle.
What are your lifelong dreams and do you have any short or long term goals you want to accomplish?
- Joanne: I consider my dreams fulfilled already, really. This life is everything I could ever wish for. As for goals, I always aim to improve my performance and semen production. Not a whole lot of ambition perhaps, but at least it’s an upward spiral.
Cafe: I think that’s great! Not many people can say that they have that kind of fulfillment.
What kind of diet do you eat to fuel your production?
- Joanne: That is actually kept a secret in order for the farm to stay on top as a premium producer, but I can say that it’s mostly natural ingredients – much of which we produce ourselves here at the farm…
Cafe: Oh wow, that makes me even more curious! But I understand why you would want to keep your trade secrets.
Do you ever take days off or enjoy vacations?
- Joanne: Vacations longer than a week aren’t really my thing, but I do enjoy taking a day off every once in a while to break the pattern. They are mostly spent visiting a gym or a beach with colleagues, who also happen to be my friends!
Cafe: That sounds like the perfect way to relax!
- Joanne: My biggest challenge by far has to have been the growth of my horsecock. I spent a great deal of time figuring out how to dress comfortably. In the end, I ended up either wearing an apron – skirts aren’t really my style – or just a top and no bottoms. Pants are out of the question, that’s for sure.

Cafe: Yes, I’m sure pants are probably quite uncomfortable for you!
Your product is high quality and very highly sought after, but we’re curious: on an average day, just how much ‘milk’ can you produce?
- Joanne: Tens of litres, though the exact amount varies depending on several factors. It increases by a little each year, so I’m excited to see where I end up! If I don’t ejaculate regularily, it’ll start leaking out by itself instead of precum whenever I’m excited. That’s a given at night, so I basically wake up to breakfast in bed if I feel like it.

Cafe: That is an extraordinary amount of production! Very impressive!
I can tell that you’re serious and passionate about your work, but do you actually enjoy what you do?
- Joanne: Definitely! It might just be because I’ve spent my entire life at the farm, but I’ve never even considered looking for greener pastures, so to speak. I can’t imagine anything better than being milked several times a day by both friends and strangers alike.
Cafe: I’m certain that they enjoy the experience just as much as you do; I know you have a steady stream of regulars and curious newcomers alike.
Are lovers ever intimidated by you?
- Joanne: Most of them, actually. The size and shape of my cock makes it very hard to penetrate, only the most adventurous are willing to even consider giving it a try. That doesn’t mean everyone runs at the sight of it though. Most are fascinated and enjoy groping, tasting and rubbing against it, but it rarely escalates beyond that in terms of variation. It doesn’t really bother me though, I have some other specially designed tools at the farm to simulate penetration.
Cafe: We’d be curious to see them in action some time!
What are some of your favorite kinks?
- Joanne: Well, I’ve received so many handjobs and blowjobs that they’ve become my favorite stimuli. Seeing the way people struggle to handle my member really gets me going sometimes – especially if they can’t quite wrap their hands or mouth around it properly. There are some who also like to compare their normal sized members to mine, and I think that’s really hot.
Cafe: It’s not hard to see why people would be enraptured by your cock; I think it’s awesome that you’re so open to being touched and milked.
Last question! We think you’re perfect just the way you are! But, if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

- Joanne: Hmm, that’s a tough one. I guess It would have to be my natural hair color. I’m very fond of redheads with freckles, so it would be fun to be one for a day!
Cafe: My humble opinion is that your natural color is best, but I know you would totally own the redhead look!
In any case, thanks again for having us, and thanks a ton for the free sample! We’ll be sure to put your all natural, home grown, organic ‘milk’ to good use!

If you liked this article make sure to check out Joanne’s creator Taboomania