Cafe: Hello Becki, thanks for agreeing to do an interview with us here at NGP! How are you, today?

  • Becki: Hello there and you’re very welcome. I’m doing well today, thank you.

Cafe: I’m curious, have you been having to quarantine at all in these past few weeks?

  • Becki: I have indeed. Better to be safe than sorry! Though I am perfectly well and healthy, it’s more precaution than anything else.

Cafe: That’s great! We’re very happy to hear that. 🙂 Hopefully you’ve been finding ways to entertain yourself and you aren’t becoming too bored?

  • Becki: Ha ha! Oh, I have a few ways of entertaining myself that don’t just involve myself! Seriously though, yes I’ve been well entertained. Caught up with some video games and some new images for my fans.

Cafe: Excellent! Speaking of your fans, I know you’ve built up quite a following! How long have you been modeling?

  • Becki: And the number of fans just keeps on growing! How long has it been? Hmmm, I think it was way back in 2012 that I did my first modeling post. 8 years ago. My how time does fly!

Cafe: That’s amazing! A long running career for anyone, to be certain. When you first started out, were you at all hesitant to show yourself off? How did modeling make you feel?

  • Becki: I was extremely nervous about showing myself online, especially being trans where back in 2012, the trans scene, while it existed, wasn’t as widespread as it is today. However, after getting over that initial fear, I felt at home and after reading everyone’s comments about my work, it encouraged me to continue and I’ve never looked back.

Cafe: That’s very inspiring. I know a lot of people really appreciate your work, and you look very comfortable and confident in your own skin :D. Do you ever get turned on when you model?

  • Becki: The confidence boost really helped, especially for my first naked scene. Extreme nervousness was abound there! And oh yes, I do get turned on, but not as often as one might think. Sure I tend to get “carried away”, if you know what I mean! But honestly, I do seem to control myself rather well, if I do say so myself.

Cafe: I’m sure it can be a lot of work with all the set up and prep.

How do you get new ideas for sets and poses?

  • Becki: Setup can take time, but it’s worth it. New ideas sometimes just pop up in my head, usually right out of the blue when I’m not even thinking about anything! Sometimes, I get ideas from porn videos, for example, ideas for sex positions etc. And sometimes fans will often suggest something for me which, depending on the suggestion, I more or less accept.

Cafe: That’s an awesome way to connect with the fans! When you’re not working, what do you like to do to relax?

  • Becki: I tend to just put my feet up and watch some TV, Netflix, YouTube and also hop on a video game or two if I’m not doing any modeling. Nothing too special really, just as you say, relax!

Cafe: Can’t argue with that! What kind of video games do you like to play?

Becki: Mostly platformers, racing, RPG’s, adventure. Not really in to shooters or fighting games that much. I’ve played some, but they’re not my “go to” types of games.

Cafe: Cool! We all love gaming girls! Alright, we wanna ask a few fun questions to get to know you a bit more. If you’re going out to eat, what kind of restaurant do you go for?

  • Becki: Unless I’m out on a date, I don’t go for anything too fancy. Just a regular fast food place or snack bar if I’m feeling a bit hungry. I do exercise often to walk off said food however.

Cafe: Ah, I see. You’re very practical and down to earth :). What kind of exercising do you like to do?

  • Becki: Walking and jogging mostly. Not one for the weights or muscle building!

Cafe: I’m sure the idea of watching you jog down the street would appeal to many of your fans! Before I ask anything else, here’s the most important question of all time: do you like ice cream or what’s your favorite dessert?

  • Becki: I’m sure they would enjoy that sight, and I’d like the attention! Yes, it is ice cream. And before you ask, my favourite flavour is vanilla!

Cafe: I’m a vanilla fan, myself! This can be a tricky question to answer, but, in the bedroom, do you generally prefer to be spoiled, or are you the one who likes doing the spoiling?

  • Becki: I tend to do the spoiling but I also love to be spoiled. I’d say it’s like 50/50 for me, here.

Cafe: Fair enough! What’s your favorite sex position?

  • Becki: The good old missionary position, with 69 being a close second! I do try other positions, but missionary is my favourite.

Cafe: I mean, classics are classic for a reason :). Out of all your kinks, what’s the one thing that never fails to turn you on?

Becki: I’m a bit embarrassed to say so, but I have mentioned it on my Twitter before now, and that is pregnant women. Just seeing a round belly like that just really gets me going! Sorry if that’s a tad too strange!

Cafe: No, no, not at all! We all have our kinks, and preggo women are sexy af! Last question here! Do you have any major plans for the future or any dreams/aspirations about taking your modeling to new heights?

Becki: Nothing planned as of yet, although I do have an image set/scene in the works. It’s going to take some time but it will end up being my biggest project to date so please look forward to it!

Cafe: We absolutely will! Let me just say personally that I’m a fan of your work, and it’s been a wonderful privilege to speak with you. Thank you so much for your time!

Becki: You’re very welcome, anytime. And thank you for your kind words, hope to see you again in the future.


1 Comment

  • Shion, April 21, 2020 @ 3:10 pm

    Nice interview. Didn’t know that Becki had been around for so long.

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